【4月6日】Dr. Francois Victor Tochon:A Middle Path Approach to Deep Language Learning


主题:Evaluation for Deep Language Learning: the Challenge



主讲人:Dr. Francois Victor Tochon

主持人:沈骑 副教授


This exposé discusses language policies regarding assessment from a critical perspective considering research on the validity of standardized performance tests. Assessment as it is lived in schools has changed its role. The humane dimension of teacher know-how, in assessment, has been replaced by quantitative performance assessments that play a political function in a number of countries. Teachers’ ?eld assessments tend to integrate the human factor as a major consideration, to the contrary of standardized measures that re-shape teaching to match the demand of the law makers. Our use of assessment is often deprived of prudence and wisdom, and we may have to reintegrate some philosophy into our focus on performance. A number of ideas are revolutionizing the ?eld of world languages teaching and learning, which are starting to have major impacts on the ways we conceive of useful language testing. So far, we have done quite a lot for controlled learning and controlled testing, but not enough is being done for open pro?ciency. This is a real challenge because we need pro?cient speakers of world languages in all countries. Testing is still modeled on these premises. Language testing reduces communicational interaction, rei?es the language and gives a partial perspective on pro?ciency. It often responds to bureaucratic, rather than empowering, goals. These points will be developed in the lecture and we shall re?ect on possible solutions.


Dr. Francois Victor Tochon is a Professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he headed World Language Education for 6 years. He worked on intercultural issues related to bilingualism in various countries and international language policies, looking for new ways to organize language teaching and learning. In 2009-2011, Prof. Tochon received an award from the U.S. Department of Education to create, research and evaluate a “deep approach” to foreign language curricula that would respect a pluralistic and federative view of language policies. It allowed him to format an interface between language policies and classroom curricula and practices.



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