“英华人文系列讲座”之四十六:Bernhard Schlink's The Reader: Re-examining the Holocaust in the 1990s


主讲人:香港岭南大学翻译系主任 陈德鸿教授







Written in 1995 and turned into an Oscar-winning move in 2009, Bernhard Schlink’s The Reader is a controversial bestseller that presents a different perspective on the German effort to exterminate the Jews in the Second World War. It breaks the silence about the Holocaust by examining the issues of guilt and atonement through the story of a female Secret Service guard, (Hanna Schmidt) who is taken to trial for causing the deaths of some 300 Jews in a concentration camp. This story becomes complicated by the love affair between Hanna and Michael Berg, who is 21 years younger, especially his unwillingness to reveal the fact that Hanna is illiterate (and thus not guilty of the crime she is accused of). The lecture will focus on the historical background to the novel, the major themes and characters, as well as the symbolism used to present a sick and decadent Germany.



美国印第安纳大学博士,香港岭南大学翻译系教授、系主任。曾任教于香港城市大学、美国乔治城大学、马里兰大学,1991-1992年在美国密芝根大学中国研究中心进行博士后研究。现任香港翻译学会副会长、中国翻译协会理事会理事、《翻译季刋》主编、《现代中文文学学报》创刊主编,以及担任Journal of Sinological Research(《汉学研究》)等学术期刊的编委。研究领域包括跨文化研究、翻译的接受理论及汉英/中日翻译比较。出版专著有The Discourse on Foxes and Ghosts (University of Hawaii Press, 1998) , Twentieth-Century Chinese Translation Theory: Modes, Issues and Debates (John Benjamins, 2004), Readers, Reading and Reception of Translated Fiction in Chinese (St. Jerome, 2010),《狐狸与幽灵》、《二十世纪中文翻译理论:模式、议题和争议》、《中文翻译小说的读者、阅读及接受》,编有One into Many: Translation and the Dissemination of Classical Chinese Literature (Rodopi, 2003),《西方翻译理请精选》(香港城市大学出版社,2000)、《中华文学经典的翻译与传播》,并在Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Comparative Literature Studies , Journal of Oriental Studies,《哈佛亚洲研究》、《东方文化》等学术期刊发表多篇学术论文。

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