【4月7日】Kizito Tekwa:Translation technology: Analyzing the role of ChatGPT in translation research and practice


Kizito Tekwa博士



Translation technology: Analyzing the role of ChatGPT in translation research and practice







Kizito Tekwa,加拿大渥太华大学翻译学博士,曾任教于上海外国语大学英语学院、卓越学院和高翻学院,现广东外语外贸大学高翻学院讲师,研究专长为翻译技术及其在外语教学中的应用、口笔译研究,先后承担翻译技术计算机辅助翻译英语技术写作等本、硕课程,担任2019年度、2021年度国家社科中华学术外译项目审校者。Tekwa博士在SSCI期刊发表多篇研究论文,并出版英语写作和技术写作教材等。



ChatGPT has taken the world by storm, as discussions on its usefulness in academia have continued to be animated. However, the extent of the issues the AI-based chatbot continues to resolve has led to speculations regarding its place in translation studies, especially with respect to translator training and practice. Therefore, related questions abound: How can I make the best use of ChatGPT as a translation student? How can the chatbot improve my writing? Will the software take away my job? What is the place of ChatGPT and related (un)released AI software in translator training?

The lecture intends to discuss these and many other technology-related questions. The audience will grasp ChatGPT functionalities while appreciating the full extent of the AI chatbot in their academic and professional lives.   


  • 上外英语学院