【09月19日】葛浩文、林丽君:文学翻译过程中的译者合作(Translation as Teamwork)


研究生学术训练营 (翻译研究系列6


主题:文学翻译过程中的译者合作(Translation as Teamwork



主持人:孙会军 教授

主讲人:葛浩文 教授(Howard Goldblatt)、林丽君 教授(Sylvia Lichun Lin



葛浩文,美国圣母大学荣休教授,中国现当代文学首席翻译家,翻译了莫言、萧红、巴金、贾平凹、苏童、刘震云、毕飞宇、王安忆等众多作家的作品,翻译出版现当代中国小说近60部。(Howard Goldblatt is recognized as one of the most renowned translators of Chinese literature. He has translated nearly 60 books, including novels by the Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan. His other translations include Li Ang’s The Butcher’s Wife, Alai’s Red Poppies, and Chu T’ien-wen’s Notes of a Desolate Man, co-translated with Sylvia Lin. He has received a Guggenheim Fellowship as well as two NEA Translation Fellowships (1992, 2004) and is a member of the editorial and advisory boards of a dozen literary and scholarly journals in Asia and in the West, including Chinese Literature Today and Asymptote. Furthermore, he is the author or editor of several books and many articles on modern and contemporary Chinese literature and culture.)

林丽君,美国圣母大学退休教授,学者,翻译家,美国国家翻译大奖获得者。与葛浩文合作翻译了多部当代中国小说,比如《我叫刘跃进》、《我不是潘金莲》、《青衣》、《玉米》、《推拿》、《荒人手记》《大漠祭》、《猎原》等。(Sylvia Li-chun Lin has collaborated with Howard Goldblatt on nearly 20 translations, including Notes of a Desolate Man by Chu T’ien-wen as well many others. She has also translated many books on her own. She received NEA Translation Fellowships in 2013 and was the translation co-editor of the NEA anthology Push Open the Window: Contemporary Poetry from China.)




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