







This presentation probes into the intricate interplay of poetics and literary translation, highlighting the dynamic process of transposing both aesthetic and cultural values across languages. It scrutinizes the theoretical basis of poetics, underscoring its pivotal role in shaping the translated work. The focus extends to the examination of diverse strategies and their impact on the translated text. The translator serves as a conduit between linguistic and cultural practices, exemplified by exploring diverse approaches to preserving the poetics of the original while ensuring accessibility in a different cultural context. Literary translation carries a weighty responsibility, as it can either retain or alter the form, style, genre, and meaning of the source text. It can also enhance or diminish the aesthetic and rhetorical aspects, as well as reveal or obscure the cultural and ideological disparities and similarities between the source and target texts. The foremost challenge lies in effectively conveying the innate nuances of the original text to the target language, aiming for the optimal quality of translation.


孙艺风,澳门大学人文学院翻译学讲座教授,国际翻译与跨文化研究协会前副主席,国际译联期刊 Babel: International Journal of Translation主编。曾任澳洲昆士兰大学荣誉教授及杰出访问学人,英国广播公司(BBC)英语教学节目主持,香港岭南大学文学院院长暨人文研究中心主任。出版书籍包括:Transcultural Poetics (Routledge, 2023), Translational Spaces (Routledge, 2021), Translating Chinese Art and Modern Literature (Routledge, 2019), Translating Foreign Otherness (Routledge, 2018), Translation and Academic Journals (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), Translations: Globalization and Localization (Multilingual Matters, 2008), Cultural Exile and Homeward Journey (外研社, 2005), Fragmentation and Dramatic Moments (Peter Lang, 2002), 《中西翻译理论》(商务印书馆, 2023)、《文化翻译》(北京大学出版社, 2016) 和《视角、阐释、文化》(清华大学出版社, 2006 第二版) 等。论文发表于Modern Language Quarterly, ARIEL, Perspectives, Babel, Across Languages and Cultures, Comparative Literature Studies, Translation Review, Journal of Multicultural Discourses, Intercultural Communication Studies, Neohelicon, European Review, Derrida Today, Telos, International Journal of Linguistics and Communication,《中国翻译》和《上海翻译》等期刊。

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