【05月06日】Leonard Neidorf:How to Publish Humanities Articles in International Journals: A Philosophical and Practical Discussion


英华人文系列讲座 第124讲  

How to Publish Humanities Articles in International Journals:

A Philosophical and Practical Discussion

主讲人:Leonard Neidorf教授

主持人:王 岚教授





This lecture takes a closer look at the nature of international scholarly publication. Publishing is a prerequisite for success in the modern university, but there is very little discussion among humanities scholars about the characteristics of publishable scholarship. In this talk, Professor Leonard Neidorf attempts to identify the implicit criteria that editors of international journals use when they evaluate the merit of submissions. He then identifies some respects in which the journals’ criteria are at odds with current humanities pedagogy, and he recommends some ways to bring publishing and pedagogy into greater harmony. Beyond this philosophical discussion, the talk offers a wide range of practical advice for increasing one’s success in journal publishing based on Professor Neidorf’s experience with over sixteen different international humanities journals.


Leonard Neidorf 是南京大学教授,哈佛大学文学博士,曾以最优等成绩获得纽约大学学士学位,现主攻中古英语史诗,主要教授中世纪文学和英语语言史。在来南京大学工作之前,Neidorf是哈佛大学研究所的初级研究员。目前已经出版3本专著The Transmission of Beowulf: Language, Culture, and Scribal Behavior (Cornell University Press, 2017)Dating of Beowulf: A Reassessment (Boydell & Brewer, 2014) Old English Philology: Studies in Honour of R.D. Fulk (Boydell & Brewer, 2016), 并在ELH, Modern Philology, English Studies, Neophilologus, Tolkien Studies, and Journal of Germanic Linguistics等国际知名期刊发表重要学术论文20余篇。

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