


上海外国语大学英语学院教授,博士生导师,全国二语习得学会常务理事,英语学院应用语言学研究中心主任SSCI期刊Language, Culture and Curriculum编委,2016-2017年度富布莱特高级访问学者,荣获2017年上海外国语大学科研成果奖一等奖和2020年度上海外国语大学教育奖励基金“路桥奖”。主要研究领域为二语语用、跨文化交际、社会网络分析和多语教育等,近五年来在SSCI/CSSCI期刊发表30余篇,主持一项上海市哲学社会科学基金项目并结项。





1. Li, C., Li, Z. & Gao, X. (2024). The application of social network analysis in applied linguistics research: A systematic review. Applied Linguistics Review, 1-31. DOI:10.1515/applirev-2023-0195. (SSCI)

2. Zhao, Y., Li, C., & Zhou, X. (2024). Chinese learners’ Swahili learning motivational trajectories. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1-18. DOI:10.1111/ijal.12596. (通讯作者,SSCI)

3. Li, C., Zhang, C., & Zheng, Y. (2024). Language learning is about who you know: A network approach to multilingual investment. International Journal of Multilingualism,1-25. DOI:10.1080/14790718.2024.2402324. (SSCI)

4. Zhao, J., Li, C. & Shu, D. (2024). Language teachers' collaborative actions and relationships in a textbook writing community of practice. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. DOI:10.1007/s40299-024-00840-7. (通讯作者,SSCI)

5. Zhu, Y. & Li, C. (2023): Exploring language teachers’ collective resilience: experiences of Chinese language teachers in a transnational university in China, Language, Culture and Curriculum, DOI: 10.1080/07908318.2023.2240348. (通讯作者,SSCI)

6. Li, X., & Li, C. (2023). Book review: English-medium instruction and translanguaging. Language and Education, 1–4. DOI: 10.1080/09500782.2023.2260362. (通讯作者,SSCI)

7. Li, C. & Li, Z. (2023). Book review: Social Networks in Language   Learning and Language Teaching. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. (SSCI)

8. Sun, S. & Li, C. (2022). Book review: Language Learning Motivation in a Multilingual Chinese Context. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2022.2127617 (通讯作者,SSCI) 

9. Li, C., Kong, W. & Gao, X. (2022). International doctoral students' academic socialization in  China: A social network analysis. Research Papers in Education. DOI: 10.1080/02671522.2022.2125056 (SSCI)

10. Li, Z. & Li, C. (2022). Book review: Language Learning in Study Abroad: The Multilingual Turn. International Journal of Multilingualism. doi:10.1080/14790718.2022.2082443 (通讯作者,SSCI)

11. Li, C. & Zhang, C. (2022). Book review: Mixed Methods Social Network Analysis: Theories and Methodologies in Learning and Education. System, 102826. doi:10.1016/j.system.2022.102826. (SSCI)

12. Zheng, Y., Shen, Q., Zhao, K. & Li, C. (2022). The Shanghai Alliance of multilingual researchers. Language Teaching, 1-5. doi: 10.1017/S0261444821000379. (SSCI)

13. Li, M. & Li, C. (2022). Book review. Mentoring and Co-writing for Research Publication Purposes: Interaction and Text Development in Doctoral Supervision. Journal of Second Language Writing, 56, 100890. doi: 10.1016/j.jslw/2022.100890 (SSCI)

14. Yang, W., Li, C. & Gao, X. (2022). Relational agency of teachers of Chinese as a second language: A personal network perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 790592. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.790592. (通讯作者,SSCI)

15. Li, C., Li, W.& Ren, W. (2021). Tracking the trajectories of international students’ pragmatic choices in studying abroad in China: A social network perspective. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 34(4): 398-416. doi:10.1080/07908318.2020.1857393. (SSCI)

16. Gong, Y., Gao, X., Li, C.& Xue, L.(2021). Language practice in the multilingual workplace: A Confucius Institute in Macau. Circulo de Linguistica Aplicada a la Comunicacion, 86: 43-54. doi: 10.5209/clac.75494.(通讯作者A& HCI)

17. Li, C. & Li, W. (2020). Learner Identity in Chinese as a Foreign/Second Language Education: A Critical Review. Frontiers in Education in China, 15(1): 73-98. doi: 10.1007/s11516-020-0004-x. (ESCI)

18. Li, C. (2019). Book Review. Japanese Language and Soft Power in Asia. Journal of Multicultural and Multilingual Development, 40(7): 647-649. doi: 10.1080/01434632.2019.1571067. (SSCI)

19 Li, C. (2018). Book Review. Promotion of Chinese Language and Culture: The Confucius Institute Project. Language Policy, 18(1): 159-161. doi: 10.1007/s10993-018-9471-9. (SSCI)

20. Li, C. & Gao, X. (2017). Bridging “what I said” and “why I said it”: The role of metapragmatic awareness in L2 request performance. Language Awareness, 26(3): 170-190.doi:10.1080/09658416.2017.1387135. (SSCI)

21. Li, C. (2017). Contemporary research in intercultural teaching: A critical review. In Hayo, R., Nunan, D. and Zou, B. (Eds.), Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: The Case of China. Palgrave Macmillan.

22. Li, C.(2009). Book Review. Dragon’s Turn: Chinese Institutional Discourse, Discourse and Communication,3(1): 111-114. (SSCI)

23. 李茨婷、朱逸琳. 2024. 来华学生课外社交投入与汉语语用能力的社会网络分析. 《现代外语》, 47(4):528-539.

24. 孙珊珊、李茨婷. 2023. 投资理论视域下外语学习者数字身份建构研究.《第二语言学习研究》第15辑,49-62. 

25. 周小舟、李茨婷. 2022. 高中英语课堂超语教学策略探究.《第二语言学习研究》

26. 李茨婷. 2021.国际学生汉语语用选择与个体社会网络构建.《复旦外国语言文学论丛》秋季刊

27. 杨维嘉、李茨婷. 2021.高校英语教师教学学术实践与发展的叙事研究.《外语教学理论与实践》

28. 李茨婷、任伟. 2021. 社会网络分析与应用语言学交叉研究的前瞻与路径.《外国语》,44(4):15-23.

29. 李茨婷、任伟. 2020. 二语语用发展研究的复杂动态构建.《外国语》,43(3):46-54.

30. 李文栋、李茨婷. 2019. 投资模型视域下国际学生身份认同与语用选择研究.《现代外语》,42(6): 755-766.

31. 李茨婷、张明明. 2019. 层级视域下外籍教师跨文化适应与语用选择研究.《外语与外语教学》,2:1-10.

32. 李茨婷、Claire Kramsch、任伟. 2018. 象征能力与应用语言学学科定位——Claire Kramsch教授访谈.《中国外语》,14(6): 49-52.

33. 李茨婷、任伟. 2017.第三空间理论下二语语用能力与语用选择.《外语与外语教学》,2: 34-42.

34. 李茨婷.2017. 国际汉语教师跨文化教学评述.《高教发展与评估》, 3:103-112.

35. 李茨婷、郑咏滟. 2015. 民族志等同于质性研究吗?—语言教育学的视角.《外语电化教学》,3: 10-18

36. 郑新民、李茨婷. 2010.文化可教否?应该教谁的文化?- 著名语言学家教授访谈录.《外语电化教学》,132(3): 74-78.

37. 李茨婷. 2009. 中国英语学习者使用“请求”策略的认知过程探究.《中国外语教育前沿》,2(4): 25-37




1. 2023《面向国际中文教育的跨文化语用能力培养研究》,校级规划项目 (在研)

2. 2020跨国教育语境下来华师生跨文化适应研究,上海市哲学社会科学规划课题(结项

3. 2018《卓越人才跨文化语用能力提升研究》,上海外国语大学校级规划项目(结项)

4. 2016 《中国文化国际传播中汉语国际教师跨文化教学理念与实践》,上海外国语大学校级一般项目(结项)

5. 2014.《跨文化交际中的文化迁移、身份认同与跨文化沟通能力之初探》,上海外国语大学校级一般项目(结项)

6. 2010中国英语学习者的语用迁移之探究,上海市优秀青年教师科研专项(结项

7. 2009《多外语学习的语言习得原理研究》,校级重大211科研项目(结项)


1. 2022 上海高校市级重点建设课程项目:《社会语言学》(参与)

2. 2019上海外国语大学教育教学改革研究项目:《应用语言学专业课程中的批判性学术写作能力培养研究 》(结项)

3. 2019上海外国语大学英语学院教改项目:《应用语言学导论课程改革》

  • 上外英语学院